WordPress Hosting Team

About the Hosting Team

People in this team are closely related to the world of hosting. They work as system administrators, plugin developers etc., and are concerned about improving the relationship between WordPress and the hosting where they are hosted.

Our goals are ranging wide, although we are primarily focused on publishing documentation about the best options and the best practices hosters can apply when it comes to hosting WordPress. We are also working to offer tools to help improve WordPress performance when new versions and different elements of its environment (such as PHP, the database or the web server) appear.

If you want to know more, feel free to take a look at our Get Involved section.

What is the WordPress Hosting Team?

The Hosting Team works to improve the WordPress user experience across hosting environments through user collaboration and education.

Everyone is welcome! This may include folks hosting WordPress, interested in learning more about hosting WordPress or folks working directly with WordPress hosts, such System Engineers, System Architects, DevOps Engineers and Developers that are working on core, plugins, or themes.

Why this page?

Yes, this is not the official page of the Hosting Team, but it helps us with side projects.

In this case, we are using this site for the preparation of the future Hosting Providers list that will appear in the Team Handbook.

If you are a Hosting provider, please fill out this form to be listed as a provider.